We service all cars! Fast friendly service!

Customer Testimonials

Chuck Ortiz - "I’ve been coming to Tom’s for 10 years now. They have serviced eight cars or more for me.The service is always great and I get treated very good by the knowledgeable staff. Thank you guys." 

Vince & Aurora Rodriguez - "Trustworthy! You leave your car and it gets done right. They have fair prices with a family atmosphere.”

Randy Ema Inc. -"Fantastic!"   

Scott Gray - "Highly recommended. Tom’s always does great work and are very reasonable too, 100% satisfied.”
Bill & Kitty Rice - "Excellent service! These people are tops! We’ve been customers for years and they’re like family to us.”

Robin Miller (from the William Lyons car collection) - "The most knowledgeable vintage radiator specialists around. We highly recommend Tom’s Radiator & A/C Service for vintage & contemporary car repairs.”
Ron & Laurie Cambra - "We use Tom’s Radiator because they’re the best in town. They’ve done work for us for 25 years. They are very friendly, down home people.”

Call Us Today At ♦ (714) 532-6771

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Contact Information
Randy Harding
Tom's Radiator & Air Conditioning Service
828 W Chapman Ave. 
Orange, CA 92868
Business Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday-Sunday Closed
Visa Payment Accepted
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